Para Snowsports Learn to Ride Summer Camp
Snowsport Scotland is excited to launch it’s first Para Snowsports Learn to Ride camps.
The camps are taking place during the summer holidays at 2 snowsports facilities in Scotland:
1-4th July Glasgow (Bellahouston) 13.00 – 17.00
3-4th August Edinburgh (Hillend) 09.00 – 16.30
About the Camps
The aim of the camps is to give young people between the ages 8-15 who might classify for the Paralympics the chance to try skiing and snowboarding for the first time. Skiing and snowboarding like other sports can have great benefits for people’s health and mental wellbeing as well as helping build personal skills like determination and perseverance and social skills. They can be done alone, or with family and friends and it allows young people to get into the great outdoors and enjoy nature.
The Camps
The camps will involve multi sport activities as well as 4 hours of ski and snowboard lesson. During these lessons you’ll learn the basics of skiing and snowboarding with tuition from instructors with experience working with people with disabilities. Find below example timetables of the different locations:
timetables of the different locations:
13.00 Arrive
13.00 – 13.45 - Multi sport activities
14.00 – 16.00 - Lessons on slope (with break)
16.15 – 16.45 - Warm down activities
16.45 – Wrap Up
Midlothian Snowsports Centre
09.00 Arrive
09.15 - 09.45 Multi sport activities
10.00 – 12.00 Lessons on slope (with break)
12.00 – 12.45 Lunch
13.00 – 15.00 Lessons on slope (with break)
15.15 – 16.00 Ringo/Tubing
16.15 – Wrap Up
This camp is aimed at finding future Paralympians with physical disabilities. To meet the criteria required to participate in these sports we are looking for people with the following impairments:
• Impaired Muscle Power
• Limb Deficiency
• Leg Length Difference
• Hypertonia
• Ataxia
• Athetosis
• Impaired Passive Range of Movement
Unfortunately due to the nature of the slope, staffing and equipment available we can only accept people who are able to walk un-aided and don’t have any additional needs that would require one to one supervision. If that means this camp isn’t suitable for you please contact us separately using the email below and we will direct you to partners we work with who will be able to meet your needs so you can try Snowsports.
The camps are aimed at young people between the ages of 8-15 years old. If you fall outwith this range please get in touch and if we get enough interest we can look at arranging another session with your age group in mind.
Other Info
The camps cost £80 per participant including lessons, multisport activities, 4 hours ski lessons, 4 hours snowboard lessons and equipment hire. They do not include food or snacks.
Sign Up
To sign up click register to enter the participants information then you will be sent a link to purchase tickets. Sign closes on the 31st May at midnight. Minimum of 4 people needed for the course to run.