Articles, Policies and Minutes
Get to know Snowsport Scotland better.
Articles of Association
The following articles of association have been voted for acceptance by the membership.
Equality Standard
Snowsport Scotland holds the Preliminary Status for The Equality Standard Framework for Sport. It is committed to maintaining this standard.
Policies and Documents
** All clubs that wish to affiliate to Snowsport Scotland must hold the policies marked with the double asterisk. The Snowsport Scotland policies can be used as templates.
Child Wellbeing & Protection Policy (2024)
Responding to Concerns Policy (2024)
Equality, Diversity + Inclusion Policy (May 2022)
Volunteer Policy + Code of Conduct (June 2021)
Anti-Doping Policy (April 2022)
Anti-Bribery + Anti Corruption Policy (Feb 2023)
Board Director Code of Conduct (Feb 2023)
Conflict of Interest Policy (June 2021)
Gifts + Hospitality Policy (Feb 2023)
Risk Management Policy (Oct 2022)
Whistle Blowing Policy (June 2021)
Committee Minutes
This section contains minutes from the Alpine, Nordic and Park and Pipe Committee meetings.
Nordic Committee
DRAFT - Meeting Minutes - 12/02/25