Snowsport Scotland runs two funds for clubs

  • JOHN HYNES FUND – For support with the cost of coach development

  • SPECIAL MEMBERS FUND – For support with the cost of club equipment

In addition there are funds available from Awards for All and sportscotland for Direct Club Investment.

For fuller details and applications forms see below.

Please direct any enquiries to the finance manager Veronica Morris at

  • The John Hynes funds was setup to assist with the funding of course fees for performance coaching qualifications. Applicants who meet the eligibility criteria can access funding up to 50% (up to a maximum of £250) of the course fee on Snowsport Scotland run courses.


    John Hynes was the Head Coach/Manager at Hillend Ski Centre for many years. He died in 1988 and this fund was set up in his memory.


    Applicatons may be submitted at any time by Member Clubs on the approved form.

    Applications must be submitted prior to candidates starting the respective course to which the funding will apply.

    Candidates must be actively engaged in delivering coaching for the member club making the application.

    Candidates must also commit to providing coaching services to the club for a minimum of 2 years after the course date.

    The fund is aimed at improving coaching qualifications and so only coaching courses are eligible for funding. Courses for which funding is available are set out in the footnote.

    The Member Club or the subject coach must provide matching funding.

    For one day courses, only the course fee may be funded.

    For residential courses, accommodation costs may also be funded. Travel and incidental expenses will not be funded.

    The Member Club must provide evidence of applications made to alternative funding sources (from the list of sources provided by SSS), and the outcome of such applications.

    Occasionally funding may be awarded for a Member Club to bring in an external coach to run a higher level course for its members. Such a course should normally be open to members of other clubs.


    A sub-committee of the SSS Board administers the fund. The sub-committee will discuss applications at the next available committee meeting after the application has been received and will inform applicants of the outcome within a week of the meeting.

    Footnote: Applications are welcome for the following courses:

    UK Snowsports Level 1 Performance Coach

    UK Snowsports Level 2 Performance Coach

    Nordic Coaching courses

    To download the info and application form click Info & Application

    For more information, contact our office: Tel: 0131 625 4406

    E mail:

  • Overview

    The Special Members Fund was set up after a repayment of VAT was made to Snowsport Scotland in 1995. This funding is kept independently from other SSS reserves and is controlled by the Board of Directors.

    The fund has been setup to provide funding assistance to clubs looking to purchase equipment to support coaching or increase participation numbers. Financial assistance is available to fund up to 50% of the total cost of equipment of capital projects for member clubs only.

    Previous awards have been used to fund freestyle rails and features, stubbie gates for Alpine racing, and Alpine race bibs etc.


    Application may be submitted at any time by Member Clubs, but must be prior to any purchases

    Applications will be acknowledged and discussed at the SSS Finance Sub-Committee meeting (these take place every 6-8 weeks)

    The funding provided should be for the good of both the organisation applying but also for the overall development of the sport and SSS members

    Any equipment being funded should have a working life of at least 5 years

    Awards from the Special Members Fund are unlikely to exceed more than £1500 for any award

    Applications must be submitted on the application form that accompanies this guidance note, any incomplete forms will be returned without consideration

    All applicants will be notified after the Finance Sub-Committee meetings of the outcome of the discussions

    Payment will not be made until sight of receipts for purchases made

    The Member Club must provide evidence of applications made to alternative funding sources and the outcome of such applications

    To download the guidance document and application form click the links below

    Guidance Document

    Application Form

    For more information, contact our office: Tel: 0131 625 4406

    E mail:

  • sportscotland Funding Opportunities

    Awards for All Scotland

    Awards for All lottery funding is run by the Big Lottery Fund in partnership with sportscotland and is available for a wide variety of one-off costs. Grants can range from between £500 and £10,000 and should meet one or more of the following outcomes:

    People have better chances in life

    Communities are safer, stronger and more able to work together to tackle inequalities

    People have better and more sustainable services and environments

    People and communities are healthier

    For more information and to apply for Awards for All please click here.

    Direct Club Investment

    sportscotland Direct Club Investment (DCI) is unique as it offers investment to support club development over a period of 2-4 years, giving the club time to embed significant developmental change and is focused on strengthening club sport by delivering on two key outcomes:

    Growth in club membership and/or;

    Growth in clubs which provide the correct environment to develop athletes to performance levels.

    Investment of up to £10,000 will be provided for 2-4 years, depending on the project, all activities must be captured in the clubs own plan for the future. Any investment must achieve the specific outcomes and we will monitor the outcomes throughout each project to ensure it is having an impact. To find out more please click here.

  • Other Funding Opportunities

    The Craig Macfie Foundation

    Craig was tragically killed in November 2011 by a drunk driver whilst he was cycling in Oregon. The Craig Macfie Foundation serves as a means to honor, celebrate and remember Craig’s life while promoting causes close to his and his friends’ and family’s hearts. In keeping with Craig’s passion for skiing the primary focus of the foundation will be to promote and encourage the sport on both a local and national level. A CMF LSRA Trainee Award is made anually along with an award made at the British Championships. The CMF Award is awarded to a male in the U21 or U18 age group, who has a passion for skiing (both racing and freeskiing), shows exceptional sportsmanship, who perserveres and continually strives to improve. For more information click here.

    Funding Scotland

    The Funding Scotland website and free search engine helps find funding for charities, community groups and social enterprises – from small grants to funding for big capital projects. Click here to access the site.